The Catholic Parish of Holy Family


 To be SEARCHING for Baptism in the Catholic Church or Membership for other Christians.


In today’s very secular society, it is unpopular to be a Christian. It is risky, costly, difficult, fulfilling and exciting. It is a time of rediscovering the essential identity of all the baptised to be missionary disciples, called to know Jesus and make him known. It is time for all who follow Jesus to heed the call to maturity and to be equipped for service within the community of the Church that takes them far from the altar from which they are sent every Sunday.

God is still calling, God is still helping us in our Search. The Good News is that God has not left us to our own devices, but has sent his Son as our Saviour. We recall the words of the famous passage of the Gospel of John: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.” (John 3: 16) This is the heart of the Good News, what Pope Francis, in his famous interview with the Jesuit magazine America, called the “first proclamation”: “Jesus Christ has saved you.”

The goal of evangelisation as the “realization of a personal encounter with Jesus Christ in the Spirit, thereby leading to an experiencing of His Father and our Father.” (no. 11, Joy of the Gospel) Evangelisation is always Trinitarian, but not in an abstract, theoretical manner. It is about experiencing a person or persons, and the goal of evangelisation is to bring people to Jesus Christ so they can then be filled with the Holy Spirit and come to know God the Father. The Holy Spirit who fills us is the Spirit of adoption, who speaks to our spirits so that we cry out, “Abba! Father!” (Romans 8: 15) It is totally Trinitarian. This is the goal of evangelization.

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